11 Victoria Ave, The Entrance NSW 2261

Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri - 9.00am - 5.00pm
Thurs 9.00am -1.00pm
Closed Weekends and Public Holidays

Immunisation & Vaccination (Children & Adults)

All people are born with minimal natural immunity to disease and therefore, immunization  will provide considerable additional protection against infectious diseases such as whooping cough, meningitis, measles and it is now a mandatory requirement for all childcare facilities in Australia. The Health Department requires that all children commencing school produce evidence of having completed all childhood immunizations.  All immunization are reported to the Childhood Immunization Register which is sponsored by Medicare Australia to record and remind parents when immunization are due. The benefits of immunization far outweigh the small risk of side effects such as pain on site of injection and occasional mild fevers.

In addition a comprehensive range of immunizations is available for all ages, including seasonal vaccines such as influenza and pneumococcal as well as travel vaccines.

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Posted by Oceanside Private Practice on 17 July 2017
The information on shingles on this website is not designed to provide medical or professional advice. It is designed to provide information onl...
Posted in:Shingles  


Posted by Oceanside Private Practice on 17 July 2017
The information on cervical cancer on this website is not designed to provide medical or professional advice. It is designed to provide informat...
Posted in:Cervical cancer  


Posted by Oceanside Private Practice on 17 July 2017
The information on coeliac disease on this website is not designed to provide medical or professional advice. It is designed to provide informat...
Posted in:Coeliac Disease  
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